NZSTI Conference June 2020
NZSTI Conference June 2020

Call for Proposals


We invite T&I practitioners, professionals, researchers, academics, organisations, industry experts, service users and other stakeholders to submit their proposals for presentations, workshops and panel discussions

Submission deadline: 15 March 2024


Download the Call for Proposals here.

If you would like to share and present your knowledge and experience, you are invited to email a summary outline of up to 300 words (noting the preferred format and time allocation) along with a 50 word bio about yourself and a profile picture (jpeg or similar format, minimum size: 800px wide x 800px high) by 15 March 2024 to:

The following formats are possible:

  • Presentation: 
    - 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions
    - 45 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions
  • Workshop: 
    - 55 minutes (single session)
    - 110 minutes (single session or split into 2-3 sessions) 
  • Panel discussion: 
    - 25 minutes
    - 55 minutes
    - 110 minutes

Presenters at the 2024 NZSTI Conference will receive a free conference registration (applies to individual presenters only; excludes panels).

For more information, please email the conference committee at


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